McFly Red silk side McFly Red component side
McFly Red silk side McFly Red component side
McFly : waveblaster board based on the VLSI VS1053 chip.
€ 35,00
Price per unit

Stock :

New limited 'red terror' edition.

Do you like rough, low end midi chip sound ? Do you feel adventurous ?
Do you like cheap and quirky, both in sound and in price ?
Here's the McFly board, back from the future of the 80's.
This board uses the VS1053 chip, which has limited general midi capabilities.
Expect imperfection and artefacts, and unexpected sounds !

Here's a demo recording of McFly on soundcloud.

Find more information in the project thread on vogons.
And McFly playing Betrayal at Krondor music :

McFly review by DOS Storm :



I am on holiday with limited access to e-mail, until July 28th.
Serdashop remains open for orders. 
These will be processed and shipped on July 29th at earliest.

Kind regards,